Frequently Asked Questions about FMG Regulations 2021

Meaning of NMC Recognition
In the context of selecting the right university for medical studies abroad, the term “NMC-recognized” refers to universities meeting the standards set by the National Medical Commission (NMC) of India. While the Medical Council of India (MCI) previously maintained a list of recognized medical universities for MBBS abroad, the responsibility has now shifted to the NMC.

Clarification on NMC Recognition
Despite the absence of a specific list, the NMC’s Foreign Medical Graduate Licentiate Regulations 2021, introduced in November 2021, define the criteria for recognizing degrees from foreign medical universities. Any university that adheres to the regulations outlined in the FMGL Regulations 2021 will be acknowledged by the NMC, enabling graduates to appear for the National Exit Test (NEXT) in India.

Key Consideration for Applicants
Before finalizing plans to study medicine abroad, it is crucial to thoroughly review and ensure that the chosen university complies with the FMGL Regulations 2021. (1.) Foreign Medical Degree with minimum duration of 54 months. (2) Must have undergone an internship of twelve months in addition to the course, in the same foreign institution. (3) Received a foreign medical degree with entire course in English. (4) FMGs need to be registered with the respective professional regulatory body or otherwise, competent to grant license to practise medicine in their respective jurisdiction of the country in which the medical degree is awarded. (5) The entire course, training and internship or clerkship shall be done outside India in the same foreign medical institution throughout the course of study and no part of medical training and internship shall be done in India or in any country other than country from where the primary medical qualification is obtained. (6) The total duration of the foreign medical graduation course shall be completed within ten years from the date of joining the course.

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